Views of Foreign Language Teacher Candidates on Teaching Profession and Teaching Practice


Teaching Practice
Teaching Profession
Foreign Language Teacher Candidates
Foreign Language Teacher Education

How to Cite

Şahin Toptaş, A. (2023). Views of Foreign Language Teacher Candidates on Teaching Profession and Teaching Practice. Journal of Language Teaching and Learning, 13(2), 37-56. Retrieved from


The aim of the study is to examine how foreign language teacher candidates make sense of teaching profession and their views and feelings about teaching practice. Basic qualitative research method was used in the research. The research group consists of students in their final year, studying at the foreign language department at university and taking Teaching Practice course. Research data were collected through individual interviews and focus group interviews using semi-structured interview technique. In the analysis of the data, content analysis was performed using the Nvivo Program. Views of the participants on teaching profession were grouped under 3 themes: views on teaching profession, views on practicing teaching profession, and views on practicum. It was observed that the participants generally characterized teaching profession with positive terms. When their views on practicing teaching profession are examined, it is noteworthy that they mention the necessities of the profession as well as the positive and difficult aspects of the profession. It has been seen that the practicum helps them gain experience and increase their self-confidence. In addition, it was determined that they had anxiety in practicum for various reasons.