An Intercultural Approach to English Language Teaching

How to Cite

Suarez, A. M. (2023). An Intercultural Approach to English Language Teaching. Journal of Language Teaching and Learning, 13(2), 57-58. Retrieved from


When John Corbett, twenty years ago, published the first edition of this book, the intellectual foundations of the field of intercultural language teaching were beginning to take shape. Its fundamental premise was how language works, how we make sense in language, and how things we want to express to each other take place within specific contexts. With the second edition, the author reveals how the field has developed and changed, in no small parts under its considerable influence. It takes the bold step of reflecting on its own methods and methodologies, recognizing that the classroom itself is a cultural context with its norms, values, and forms of identity. Hence, this is an updated edition which is addressed to teachers interested in developing intercultural communicative competence in language teaching.